3. Yoo Seong Choi, Seung Pil Pack and Young Je Yoo

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"Development of a plasmid display system using GAL4 DNA binding domain for the in vitro screening of functional proteins", Biotechnology Letters, 27, 1707-1711 (2005).

6. Ja Hee Chung, Yoo Seong Choi and Seung Hoon Song and Young Je Yoo

"Stabilization of HRP using Hsp90 in water-miscible organic solvent", Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 44, 92-96 (2006).

5. Yoo Seong Choi, Seung Pil Pack and Young Je Yoo

"Development of a protein microarray using sequence specific DNA binding domain on DNA chip surface", Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 329, 1315-1319 (2005).

4. Yoo Seong Choi, Hyun Joo and Young Je Yoo

"In vitro selection of high affinity DNA binding protein based on plasmid display technology", Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 15, 1022-1027 (2005).

3. Yoo Seong Choi, Seung Pil Pack and Young Je Yoo

"Development of a plasmid display system using GAL4 DNA binding domain for the in vitro screening of functional proteins", Biotechnology Letters, 27, 1707-1711 (2005).

2. Jin Ryon Kim, Yoo Seong Choi and Young Je Yoo

"Reactivation of Horseradish peroxidase in organic solvent using extraction", Biotechnology Letters, 22, 485-489 (2000).

1. Yoo Seong Choi and Young Je Yoo

"Reactivation of Horseradish peroxidase in organic media using solvent evaporation", Korean Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 14(4), 465 - 469 (1999).

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