
충남대학교 응용화학공학과 생체분자공학연구실

충남대학교 응용화학공학과 생체분자공학연구실

생체분자공학 연구실(Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory)에서는, 21세기 4차 산업혁명 시대에 맞춰, 인류의 고령화에 대응하여 건강한 삶과 삶의 질을 향상시키기 위한 기술, 화석원료의 의존성을 낮추고 지속가능한 자원을 활용하여 인류에게 필요한 친환경 바이오화학소재를 생산하는 기술, 점점 심화되고 있는 기후변화와 환경문제에 대처하는 기술개발에 적극 동참하여, 생체분자 특히 단백질 기반의 생명공학 기술을 활용하여 다양한 유용물질을 획득하고 개선하며, 효율적인 생산을 위한 핵심기술개발 연구를 수행하고 있다.



Biomolecular Engineering Lab.

Biomolecular Engineering Lab.

Our research focuses primarily on the understanding and engineering of intrinsically disordered proteins and marine-derived enzymes for the efficient preparation of functional biomaterials and useful substances with biomedical and industrial applications. Particularly, we utilize protein biophysics and biochemistry, recombinant DNA technology, and protein engineering as key technologies for our protein-based research.

Understanding the phase separation behavior of intrinsically disordered proteins and their applications for advanced biomaterial development

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP) lack a distinct three-dimensional structure but rather have highly flexible structural properties. Our research aims to comprehend IDP-induced biomineralization and the formation of membraneless microorganelle structures. We also develop biomimetic and bioinspired biomaterials for biomedical applications based on the liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) of IDP. Our study will not only contribute to a better understanding of LLPS in biological systems, but it will also provide novel biomaterials with high biocompatibility, non-toxicity, and distinguished bioactivity. In addition, it will assist in overcoming the challenges of mass production, uniform composition, and processability in natural biomaterials.

Development of high-performance tailored biocatalysts for industrial applications through understanding the biochemical characteristics of marine-derived enzymes

The ocean is an abundant source of biodiversity on Earth, but the biotechnological use of marine-derived biomolecules needs to be better studied. Our research aims to identify marine-derived enzymes with industrial applications and investigate the biochemical characteristics of these enzymes. Additionally, we genetically and structure-based redesign these enzymes to develop enzyme catalysts with improved catalytic properties for industrial applications. These optimally designed and engineered enzymes will have the potential to be used as a key biocatalyst for the production of valuable substances via biological and chemical/biological hybrid processes, which are expected to serve as an alternative to overcome the difficulties of conventional biotransformation processes.


34134 대전광역시 유성구 대학로 99 충남대학교 공과대학 응용화학공학과 생체분자공학연구실 (공과대학 1호관 155호) | TEL : (042)821-5682 | E-Mail : biochoi@cnu.ac.kr

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